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Ordering tool repairs

Chcete opraviť náradie ešte tento rok? Objednávky na opravu prijaté do 15.12.2024 do polnoci vybavíme a doručíme späť ešte v tomto kalendárnom roku. Opravy po tomto termíne prevezmeme v štandardnom čase, ale opravené náradie začneme odosielať od 13.1.2025.
Warranty Repairs Terms & Conditions:
  • Free transport of tools to the service centre as well as back to the address you specify
  • Free technical inspection and replacement of spare parts
  • The warranty does not apply to spare parts of a consumable nature (carbons, supply cords, etc.)
Post-Warranty Repairs Terms & Conditions:
  • Shipping costs of 25 € excluding VAT per trip (even if repair is refused)
  • Technical inspection (rate of 20€ without VAT/hour, even in case of refusal of repair)
  • The repair will be carried out after agreement of the quotation
  • 20% discount on the purchase of new tools (if the repair is refused)

Contact details

This email will be used for subsequent communication with you regarding tool repairs

Invoicing data

Tools for repair

V prípade, že chcete poslať na opravu akumulátorové náradie, nabíjačku alebo akumulátor, v každom prípade je potrebné poslať celý komplet (náradie + nabíjačka + akumulátory), aby mohla byť vykonaná servisná prehliadka v plnom rozsahu.

Additional information

Repair orders received by 2:00 p.m. will usually be picked up the next business day.
Please send the tools for repair clean and in complete condition. In case you want to send a cordless tool, charger or battery for repair, you need to send the complete set (tool + charger + batteries) so that a full service inspection can be carried out. Please hand over the tools to the courier packed according to the shipping company's internal regulations; otherwise you will be charged the full amount of the shipping fee.
Select your country
Select the country where you want your order to be delivered.